Is it over?

Do you think that your marriage may be ending? What are the 4 signs that your marriage may be over? Can your marriage go the distance?  Hardships, lack of intimacy and poor communication can make marriage can seem like an uphill battle. Do you frequently blame your spouse? Do you live like room mates? Are you sleeping separately? You may feel that your unhappiness is your partner’s fault.  You just want all the arguing to stop!  Is divorce or separation on the horizon? If you have been battling with your spouse and are feeling like he/she is the enemy, you may be trapped in an endless cycle of negativity. What are the tell signs that are showing up for you? Often there are tell tale signs that show up before the marriage is over.

If you have been married for some time, you certainly have good days and bad days. If the bad days are more frequent, you may have found yourself spiraling down a rabbit hole without understanding how this could happen. You may still love your spouse and want things to work out, but are afraid that it’s too late. Learn what the warning signs are and how to handle it.

To learn more click the link below to learn the 4 signs that your marriage may be ending.over.